When describing my role as a Talent Consultant to people, I often refer to myself and my colleagues as matchmakers. Our first meeting with the client always begins with understanding the vision for what they’re seeking in a candidate (just as a matchmaker would ask you from the very beginning: what are you looking for in a partner?).
Like all good matchmakers, we ask all the necessary questions to build a slate of diverse, viable, and thoughtful prospects. Questions include: What does success look like in this position (…or in this relationship)? What areas of alignment are you looking for (…what should you have in common)? What impact do you envision this person having (…on your life, what you want out of life, and who you are)?
Any good matchmaker would tell you that relationships cannot function effectively without a strong foundation. Building that strong foundation should start on day one (aka the first date). As a consultant (and pseudo-matchmaker), here are some ways in which I build that strong foundation with each client-candidate interaction.
Be Transparent
Transparency = credibility. Being upfront from the beginning establishes your willingness to this commitment and your authenticity. Communicate things in a timely manner, share as much information as you can, and don’t gatekeep. Above all else, don’t lead anyone on.
Seek to Build Trust from the Beginning
What is a relationship without trust? As my grandmother would probably say: it’s bupkis. Trust is everything: it’s currency, it’s knowing that someone has your back and that they’re going to support you. It’s what you must return to during tough times.
Keep Mutual Goals at the Forefront
We want the same things, and remembering these shared goals can often help to ground us when necessary, especially in times of conflict or after a misstep. Take the time to understand each set of goals for your respective candidate and client. Do the work that is necessary to reach those goals, and don’t lose sight of them.
Maintain Intentionality in All Ways
Don’t underestimate the power of using words like “partnership” and opting into statements such as “we’re in this together” and “I’m here to support you,” especially when you’ve hit a bump in the process. Remember that there is power and purpose in the delivery of what you’re saying and doing. Being thoughtful and intentional with each interaction means more than we may realize.
“A culture is strong when people work with each other, for each other.” – Simon Sinek
In our role as talent consultants, we foster strong, mutually beneficial relationships that transcend a simple transaction. By embracing transparency, trust, shared goals, and intentionality, our goal is to create a culture of collaboration and support where everyone’s success is interconnected. I’m proud to be the consultant behind many successful matches and look forward to many more to come.