Great work comes from great people. And we could not do the work we do at DRG without the many experts that contribute to our team.
Meet Gabrielle “Bee” Smith, one of our Research & Outreach experts.
What is your role within DRG?
I am on the Research & Outreach team. With the guidance of Talent Consultants, I learn about mission-driven non-profit organizations and what they’re looking for in their next leader. This helps me take a specialized approach when searching for candidates to reach out to and allows me to answer their questions about the position and organization during our preliminary conversations. One of my favorite parts of the role is conducting screening conversations with candidates, in which I ask them carefully curated questions to determine their eligibility for each role. It’s fun to talk to new people and learn about their accomplishments.
What would you want organizations to know about DRG?
We are a very collaborative group and often lean on each other for support and guidance. This is important because it means that every team member working on your search has decades of cumulative experience in search to draw on. This also lends to our openness to collaborate with our clients to specialize our approach to each search. The willingness to listen and be flexible is essential for the work and also a nice environment to be a part of!
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Add sour cream to your cake batter so it comes out moist. Applesauce could also be a viable addition or substitution for oil. Most importantly, after you stick your cake with a toothpick or knife to see if it’s finished baking, trust the stick! Sometimes your cake will look like it still needs a couple of more minutes in the oven, but if your stick already came out clean, those couple of minutes will dry out your cake. And some baked goods, like cookies, will continue cooking after you take them out of the oven, so make sure to take that into account, especially if they’re only a wee bit lighter than you want them to be. A last bit of advice I’d like to add is that baked goods keep well in the freezer. If I know I won’t eat everything I’ve made within 3 days, I’ll freeze some of it before it dries out. Whatever you plan to leave on the counter can be stored in an airtight container with a little slice of apple to keep it softer for longer!
What brings you joy in your free time?
I find joy in many things, including crafting, playing games, drinking tea, appreciating nature, and taking pictures of my dog sleeping. For the past couple of years, I’ve enjoyed embroidery in particular, though I’ll also dabble in painting when I find the time. As a child, I had the most fun playing UNO with my brother, and now I have the pleasure of playing with my niece and nephews. When I’m on my own, I love playing games on my Nintendo Switch. During walks with my dog, I like to pay special attention to the songs of birds and the trunks of old trees. I could keep going on about little things that make me happy, but I’ll end with two tea recommendations. The first is the Pumpkin Spice Rooibos from Trader Joe’s. It comes out seasonally in an orange tin and it’s SO delicious. The second is a mix of rose petals, chamomile, and lavender. Go easy on the lavender, because it has a strong flavor, but this is a lovely nighttime blend.
Which book/movie/tv show/podcast etc. is at the top of your list right now?
I’m currently appreciating Dimension 20 as a series. It is full of compelling storytelling and relatable characters. It’s also incredibly silly, delightfully clever, and expertly produced. I knew nothing about Dungeons and Dragons or other Table Top Role Playing Games before watching, but it was still really fun to get into and cool to learn about something new!
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