Great work comes from great people. And we could not do the work we do at DRG without the many experts that contribute to our team.
Meet Gabriela Kocerha, one of our Operations experts.
What is your role within DRG?
My role is behind the scenes at DRG, I serve on the Operations team. We help with the “in between,” anything from job postings to determining the best software to support our staff. I enjoy supporting staff and enabling them to serve our clients. Some of my 2022 projects included working on an internal training site and building internal and external forms.
What would you want organizations to know about DRG?
DRG walks the walk. As a company that preaches the importance of an organization’s talent, DRG truly believes that great people can do great things. With that said, DRG really knows how to build its team. I’m honored to work with colleagues who have such rich experience in a variety of fields, I’ve learned so much in my time here.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Try and learn something from every person you meet. Everyone has something to teach and we all have something to learn. It’s a beautiful gift we can all exchange.
What brings you joy in your free time?

I try to continue to grow and learn in every aspect of my life and few things bring me more joy than getting to do this with my family. Usually, it’s getting to try a new recipe with my kids, doing research on a new topic (we love factory videos!), or getting to explore somewhere new. Recently, I made a pear frangipane tart with my husband and kids and remodeled our bathroom with my sister (including installing a vanity, light fixture, and faucet). Each one was a challenge and our way of trying something new.
Which book/movie/tv show/podcast etc. is at the top of your list right now?
My husband and I have been re-watching Community. While we may try new shows here and there, this one is just so comforting we seem to come back to it to help us relax.
In terms of reading, I’m halfway through the second Harry Potter book. I started reading the series to my kids and am thrilled to discover they love it as much as I did when I first read the books.
Anything else you’d like to share?
It’s important in life to define what success means to you. This is something that has brought me and my family a lot of peace over the years.
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