Great work comes from great people. And we could not do the work we do at DRG without the many experts that contribute to our team.
Meet Dave Yi, one of our research and outreach experts.
What is your role within DRG?
I’m a member of the Research & Outreach team! We work to learn about the ins and outs of each purpose-driven organization and what competencies they are seeking out in their next leader. Under the guidance of our talent consultants, I create research lists of candidates whose experiences and backgrounds fit those competencies, complete outreach, and conduct screening interviews with candidates using curated questions.
What would you want organizations to know about DRG?
The camaraderie that we have amongst our team and the culture we have as an organization makes it a pleasure to log into work. The energy is infectious – everybody tackles their roles with a sense of purpose, which is reflected in the way that we interact with clients, candidates, and each other! I’m grateful to be working at a company full of such friendly, welcoming people.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
As a recent college grad, I catch myself putting a lot of pressure on myself to be at a certain place in my career or have everything figured out by the time I’m X years old. I’m constantly reminding myself and getting reminders from friends that even though looking towards the future is important, it’s equally important to enjoy where I’m at and live in the moment.

What brings you joy in your free time?
I’ve always been a creative person – back in elementary school, I was notorious for doodling so much on my folders that they eventually turned from a bright yellow color to a uniform shade of grey. As I’ve gotten older, this creative outlet has shifted more towards video and photography which I shoot in my free time. Beyond that, I love to stay active, and I spend most of my days either playing pick-up basketball with friends or spending heinous amounts of money exploring different restaurants around New York City.
Which book/movie/tv show/podcast etc. is at the top of your list right now?
I’ve been rewatching Game of Thrones recently! Such an amazing show, it’s a shame that it got canceled after Season 6…
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