Photo: Vecteezy
It happens: there’s a late, sudden departure of a head of school or senior administrator at your school. The typical initial reaction is that it is too late in the school year to conduct a successful search for a replacement. Examples include:
- A head of school comes into a board chair’s office, or a senior administrator walks into the head of school’s office, to announce that they are taking a different position. (Ideally, this leader would have let you know early on about searches they are pursuing, but this doesn’t always happen.)
- An employee is terminated due to a specific inappropriate action that demands it or a “straw-that-breaks-the-camel’s-back” moment that convinces you that the employee needs to leave.
- Your hesitancy to decide about an employee’s status earlier in the year followed by the realization that you need to make a change, despite where you are in the academic year.
- Difficult circumstances involving the health of the employee and/or the employee’s family members.
- A last-minute relocation due to a partner’s job.
- The decision to create a new position on campus comes late in the academic year.
Before going this route, ask yourself three questions first:
- While the interim solution solves the problem on paper, does the move truly allow the work of the school to move forward?
- Is the interim candidate ready for the new role? (You don’t want to derail rising talent by putting someone into a position for which they are not yet ready.)
- How will the previous duties of the internal interim leader be handled? If the rising leader is asked to perform both their previous and new duties, this will likely present too much of a burden to the leader.
Here are five tips to consider if you find yourself running a late search:
- Don’t let perfection get in the way. Writing a wonderfully crafted opportunity statement after a fully inclusive discovery process isn’t as important as spreading the word of the vacancy as quickly as possible. Side note: I see so many opportunity statements that list scores of competencies, experiences, and attributes these days. They are exhaustive—and exhausting. It isn’t always possible, but creating focus through a concise opportunity statement adds value to a search.
- Don’t be overly suspicious of candidates still available at the end of the hiring season. Due diligence about their availability and a candidate’s eagerness to move will be needed, but a good search consultant will ensure that this happens before you see their file.
- Beyond researching a candidate’s background, ask the candidate to speak about it themselves at some point, covering each important transition of their career.
- Establish a quick process, but alert candidates and the community that the process is a guideline, rather than a requirement; if an outstanding candidate emerges right away but has other offers on the table, you need to be ready to act.
- Keep your school running—and care for your students! If you have to spend an inordinate amount of time amidst the details of a search, you can shortchange your community. Time-saving, both for you and others, is another compelling reason to hire a search consultant during the most hectic moments of the year.

Andrew Watson, Senior Talent Consultant
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